Tracking Pixels - Overview

We know how important tracking is, so we have tons of options when it comes to pixels/postbacks.

Visit the “Tracking Pixels” tab to manage your tracking integration. Here, you can:

  • Add new tracking pixels/postbacks
  • Edit an existing tracking pixel/postback
  • Export your pixels to CSV

When should the tracking pixel be triggered?

 Our system allows you the option to customize how you would like your pixels/postbacks to be triggered:

  • Global Pixel
    • A Global Pixel will fire for any conversion you generate on any link or for any campaign
  • Campaign Pixel
    • A Campaign Pixel will only fire for conversions generated from the campaign specified here
  • Link Pixel
    • A Link Pixel will fire for any conversions generated from the specified link, which may contain more than one campaign
  • Vertical Pixel
    • A Vertical Pixel will fire only fire for conversions generated from campaigns within the specified vertical


Fire On

You will also have the ability to specify which conversion point you would like the pixel/postbacks to fire on:

  • CPA/CPE/CPI/CPS/CPL Main Conversion
  • CPA/CPE/CPI/CPS/CPL Event Conversion
  • CPC Conversion
  • CPC Click
  • CPA Click (for Direct Linking Links)


Skip Unpaid Clicks/Conversions/Events

Use the "Skip Unpaid Clicks/Conversions/Events" checkbox to only fire pixel/postbacks for paid clicks/conversions/events(aka &payout > $0). This can be extremely helpful when setting up tracking pixels for the following campaigns.

  • Revshare Campaigns: If this checkbox is checked, the pixel will NOT be fired if &payout = $0. 
  • Standard Campaigns: If this checkbox is checked, the pixel will NOT be fired for any unpaid events or unpaid conversions. 

Note: This can also be applied for global tracking pixels. 



We support the following formats:


The following tokens/macros are available for us to pass information back to you: 


Perform[cb] Token/Macro



Campaign ID

{offerid} or {offer_id}

Link ID


Click ID






Sub ID 1


Sub ID 2


Sub ID 3


Sub ID 4


Sub ID 5


Source ID


Android ID




Creative ID


Event Name



Please Note: 

  • There is no limit to the number of pixels/postbacks you can place in your account. 
  • Our system allows you the option to customize how your postbacks should function. You can place any combination of the above pixel types or triggers as you see fit.
  • Our system will fire all pixels/postbacks applicable (i.e. your global postback will fire along with any campaign-level postback), so please be sure your system de-dupes, if necessary.
  • If you need HTML tracking for a campaign specified as “Postback Only”, please reach out to your account manager.

Why SubIDs are Important

Most campaigns allow subids, most importantly SubID1, to be passed back to the marketer.

Passing subids back to the marketer is very important in the long-term optimization and scaling of your campaigns. In the case that your traffic isn't backing out for the advertiser, they will be able to pinpoint the individual subids that aren't performing (sources, targets, keywords, etc) and request that you remove those subids from your campaign, rather than having you be pulled off the campaign completely. This will help the marketer to be profitable as well as increase your overall quality and stability on the campaign.


Aggregated Postbacks

For Mobile / App Install Campaigns, due to App Tracking Transparency (ATT), many conversions will no longer be tied to your system’s click ID or similar value. To continue to send conversions to your system for real-time reporting, we will need an Aggregated or Clickless Postback that will look something like this:{subid1}&offerid=OFFER_ID&affiliateid=AFFILIATE_ID

In many systems, Campaign/Offer ID and Affiliate ID can replace the normal click ID or transaction ID for tracking. In the case of a consumer opting into tracking, we will continue to record the conversion to a specific click ID, which we can continue to pass back to you. When click/transaction ID is present, your system will continue to use that value to record the conversion. When a user opts out of tracking and click/transaction ID is null, campaign/offer and affiliate IDs will be used to record the conversion instead.  We can still pass you a source ID dynamically which could be used to replace “affiliate id”. 

We will need to set up a unique postback per campaign; there will no longer be universal postbacks.

In addition to the above setup for clickless postbacks, we can also pass the following macros via the partner’s postback for APPSFLYER campaigns ONLY (for now):

{conv_subid1} - click time
{cbtid} - AppsFlyer transaction id

We also have the ability to still pass you SourceID and App Name via subid3.

Here is some documentation from popular platforms re: clickless postbacks.


How to Setup Your Voluum Postback 

Step 1: Pull Link

First you will need to pull your link for each Link ID from Perform[cb] and put the link into your tracking platform (in this case Voluum, with Voluum tokens/variables):


*{clickid} is the Voluum token for the Voluum click ID (required for postback)

*You can pass back any other information through the other parameters, using your available Voluum tokens (Voluum Interface & Tokens found in the screenshot below)


Step 2 - Place Pixel

In Perform[cb], place your pixel (on the Left Hand Side: Tracking Pixels)

*The &cid= must contain the Perform[cb] token/variable {subid2} which will post the {clickid} information from the Voluum link, to the {subid2} in the pixel. This completes the postback circle.