Perform[cb] Platform Release Notes

Check out our latest releases to the Perform[cb] Platform below:

August 1, 2023

  • Partner API (FMAO - FindMyApprovedOffers) now includes a Traffic Type filter
    • Documentation here
    • Filter available campaigns by what traffic type is allowed (email, sms, etc)


June 7, 2023

  • The campaigns page added "Traffic Type" & "Operating System" filters. Easily filter for CPS campaigns that support Email traffic or CPE iOS campaigns.
  • API - FindMyApprovedOffers updates to support email traffic
    • Add &trackinglink_traffic_type=Email to create links with Email as the traffic type
  • Receive the "suppression_list_url", "unsubscribe_link", and "creatives_download_url" details in the API response