Custom Creatives / Marketing Materials Required

If you would like to use your own customized creatives, you must first receive approval from Perform[cb] and our marketer. 


For campaigns that require approval of Custom Creatives prior to running, you will now see a "Request Approval" when applying for the campaign. Follow the steps below on how to submit your creatives and check the status of your submission.


1. Click on Request Approval

Click on Request Approval

2. Click on Select Traffic Type

Click on Select Traffic Type

3. Click on Detailed Traffic Type

Click on Detailed Traffic Type

4. Type in Headlines or From & Subject Lines (enter or tab between lines)

Type in Headlines or From & Subject Lines (enter or tab between lines)

5. Type in URLs or Presell Pages (enter or tab between lines)

Type in URLs or Presell Pages (enter or tab between lines)

6. Upload Image and/or videos

7. Click on Submit Request

Click on Submit Request

8. Click on "Custom Creatives"

Keep track of all of your creative submissions in this section

Click on "Custom Creatives"

9. Click on gear icon to show submission details

Click on gear icon to show submission details


Please note: creatives found on the campaign card in the Perform[cb] Platform are approved to run 'as-is'.